Every review you see on this shoe is from the point of view of someone in school or is still active on the court. But what if you’re past your playing days and just want a damn good shoe? Well I’m going to give you my review as a 42 aging former center who no longer plays other than shooting around. I am still active in the gym, mainly my home gym.
Everyday Use
Most people are using them just for basketball and nothing else. That’s understandable considering how expensive they are. They aren’t cheap at all.
For years I’ve worn the cheapest shoes possible. Like whatever I could get in size 14 (which isn’t much most of the time) and then getting the cheapest pair that wasn’t super ugly. That was great for a while, but then I started developing foot issues as I’ve gotten older.
Right below my pinky toe on the bottom of my foot I would get really bad hard skin buildup. At first I thought it was my foot and age causing the issue, then I realized it was because of my shoes.

I bought another pair of cheap shoes, and the problem went away for a little while, then came back (literally wore spots in the bottom of the shoes in the exact spots my hard skin was). Shoes just weren’t good enough quality to stop it from coming back.
Then by chance a couple years ago, I got a pair of Lebron 15’s for Christmas. My kids had been getting good shoes for years, and my oldest son said I needed to “stop wearing ugly shoes and get some Lebron’s”.
Instantly, the shoes made my feet feel better. I hadn’t had a good pair of shoes on in 20 years (since high school) and I couldn’t believe what a difference it made in everyday use. Suddenly my elliptical machine rides were way more comfortable.
Extended Use
After my Lebron 15’s wore out, I temporarily went back to a cheap pair of shoes, thinking my feet problems were gone…they came right back. Ordered Lebron 16’s right away, problem went away again. There is no doubt, wearing these shoes can help with foot problems like mine. I wear mine everyday for work, working out, shooting around with my kids, etc, no pain. I’m always trying to stretch a dollar and I think previously I was doing it at the expense of my health. No longer will I be buying cheaper shoes.
There is one funny thing for Dad’s out there, nobody has ever said anything about my shoes since I was in high school and had a pair of the original reebok pump shoes. These shoes though, I had all kinds of kids ages 10 to 14 complimenting me on them, lol. It was a pretty weird feeling, but cool. So you can be in style with these too. 🙂 I look professional now when I’m shooting around with the kids on my Shoot-A-Way 10k Basketball Shooting Machine.